Our program believes in teaching our players proper mechanics and skills from the beginning to maximize player success and build on proper muscle memory in future years. We also want to see kids have fun and love the game of volleyball. To do this, we modify the game in several ways: 

-Volley-lite training ball (if you'd like to purchase your own ball this is the one we use. We will provide them for use at practices & games)

-lower volleyball nets 

-modified games where the serving line is moved up significantly to maximize player success & the possibility of rallies

-5-in-a-row serve maximum so the score doesn't get too one-sided

-try and keep things positive & encouraging, but also have high standards and proper fundamentals so players are really learning as well. 

-focus on serving & passing

See our rules for this division  here . 

Our 6th/7th graders practice once a week for 1.5 hours and have a game on Saturdays. An exact schedule will be out early April. Our goal is for these players is to get them confident in serving, passing, & moving out on the court to get them ready for the next level of volleyball. 


You'll notice there's a 6th/7th league as well as a 7th/8th league. If you have a newer player to the game, or a player that lacks confidence on the court, register your child to play with kids a year younger. For example, a 7th grader that's a newer player should register for the 6th/7th grade division versus the 7th/8th grade division. If you have a player that has played for several years and is aggressive on the court, have them play with kids who are a year older. For example, a 7th grader that has played for several years and is aggressive on the court should be registered in the 7th/8th division versus the 6th/7th division.


Click HERE to view a list of teams with openings as well as dates and times.


Each player will receive a jersey. Practices begin the week of April 4th and run through May 21st on the night you select. The cost is $125 if you sign up by February 15th and $140 after that. Teams fill up fast, so make sure you sign up early!